Dear Parents, Carers and Friends

Welcome to the Highfield Littleport Academy website.

This website has been designed to give you a clear view of our school and give you an idea of what makes us special! Highfield Littleport Academy is one of two special schools who are within the Active Learning Trust.  Please see our trust page for more information.

My name is Yvonne Skillern and I am pleased to introduce myself as Headteacher of Highfield Littleport a local area special school.  I aim to create and maintain an outstanding educational provision for our learners, meeting each of their individual needs.  I am passionate at ensuring students fulfil their potential.  Take a look at our website to find more information about what makes us great.

Ethos and Learning Values

Here at Highfield Littleport our ethos is underpinned by our six key learning values.  Each area encompasses qualities we nurture and develop in our students on a daily basis. We started with five but the learners thought we needed to add kindness - so we did! 

As a school, academic studies are incredibly important to us, but what gets us really excited is when we see our learners achieving their academic potential because of the ongoing personal development through our learning values. 

Parent Information

Here at Highfield we recognise the valuable partnership that exists beween school and parents.  We value your contribution to your child’s education and welcome your input.

Parents are involved fully in school entry reviews, annual reviews and transition reviews at the end of each key stage.  Parents are invited into school to support their child at different events and for information sharing sessions. 

We actively ask for your contribution to your child's targets and have structured opportunities during Annual Reviews and on a 6 monthly cycle after this throughout the year.

At Highfield Littleport...

The school works to deliver a stimulating and relevant curriculum for our learners.  We have developed a progressive curriculum which is integrated so that students can be entered for the most appropriate assessment method appropriate to their needs.  We aim to prepare students for their next step into education, work, independent or supported living.