Blue Pathway

Our Blue pathway is student centred and allows the complex needs of our students to be fully met.  Our students usually have profound and multiple learning needs in addition to physical difficulties, complex medical conditions and/or sensory impairment. Our students operate within the early Pre Key Stage Levels and often remain within this range throughout their time with us. 

Each student has individualised lesson outcomes for every lesson, based on their long term EHCP outcomes along with a developmental framework.  This framework aids to help inform the planning of next steps in learning. There is a high staff to student ratio, resulting in students’ learning being constantly and consistently tracked while also providing a high level of personal care. Both teachers and teaching assistants have an in-depth knowledge of students’ needs and intended learning outcomes and know how to encourage and support these students in the best ways. 

Built into the Blue pathway are 5 core areas of learning which are implemented into our students’ days. These are: My Body, My Thinking, My Communication, My Independence and My Play. 

Learning progression is shown through the Long term plans in conjunction with the Blue Pathway Framework and Engagement Model.  As many of our Blue pathway learners are at an exploratory stage of learning the main focus is promoting and increasing levels of engagement. Take a look at our themes of learning and long term plans here: Blue Pathway Long Term Plan

We know through observation and assessment, from feedback from parents/carers  that our Blue Pathway has the following impact:

  • learners improve their engagement with the world around them. This may be observed as a new ability to anticipate an event, recognition of a familiar person or peers or in any number of other ways
  • young people develop their receptive and expressive communication skills, again allowing them deeper engagement with others
  • students develop physical and mental wellbeing and robustness through our ongoing therapies and interventions
  • Pupils become more able to understand and accept support around them, preparing them for their life after Highfield


Communication is a key skill which we recognise our learners need to develop whatever learning pathway they are on.  The attached document demonstrates the wide range of opportunities our Blue Pathway learners have to develop.  If students require any additional specialist intervention this can be provided by our Communication Teaching Assistant or via referral to our attached speech and language therapist (SALT).

Communication Across the Pathways

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We aspire for learners in the blue pathway will leave Key Stage 4 with a qualification in ASDAN Personal Progress and at least 3 AQA Unit Award certificates in recognition of their learning.  These AQA Unit Award certificates will be tailored to their needs and interests and focus on key skills in life and living.


Take a look at the overview for the Blue pathway curriculum here: