Take a look at some of these video's to help support learning at home.

Oxford Owl / Read Write Inc Phonics

Explanation of technical vocabulary:

Phoneme - a sound as it is said. 

Grapheme - a sound that is written .

Digraph– Two letters that work together to make the same sound, e.g. ch as in chicken.

Trigraph - Three letters that work together to make the same sound, e.g. igh as in high.

Split digraph - Two letters that work together to make the same sound, separated by another

letter, e.g. a-e as in bake.

Blending- blending letter sounds together.

Sounding out- breaking down sounds within a word, e.g. c-a-t


Behaviour Management

Highfield Littleport and Highfield Ely have a shared behaviour policy and approaches to managing behaviour.  Take a look at the video to learn more.



Here is some information on an intervention that we use here at HLA.



We use Makaton as a means of assisting communication. Take a look at how and why it is used.


Occupational Therapy - Advice from Cambridgeshire OT's

Here you can find lots of advice and support from Cambridgeshire Occupational Therapists to help with adaptations in the home.  Click on the picture link below: