Below are a range of important documents that all staff are required to read and understand prior to employment with us.  These are continually updated so staff will be instructed to keep up to date with these on a regular basis.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Guidance for Safer Working Practice

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

What to do if you are worried a child is being abused

Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2023 *Note all staff and volunteers MUST read and understand Part 1

Working Together to Safeguard Children December 2023


Probation Policy

Health and Safety Policy

ICT Security Policy

Gifts and Hospitality Policy

Internet Social Media and E-Safety Acceptable Use Policy

Data Protection Policy

Data Retention and Access to Information Policy

Acceptable Use and E Safety Policy

Behaviour Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

ALT Code of Conduct for Adults

Pool Operating Procedure

ALT Sickness Absence Management Policy

ALT Discretionary Leave of Absence Policy


Links to useful areas for staff members of Highfield can be found below.  Please note this is for employees only.

Please click this link if you would access school staff email.  You will need a username and password provided by the school.

Staff uniform can be ordered from Total Clothing via their web shop.

Please click the icon below to access the web shop:


Please note we cannot be held responsible for the content contained in links outside of this website.

Click the link below to view the Workforce Privacy Notice:

HLA Workforce Privacy Notice

Take a look at the link to the document below with staff CPD opportunities:

We take the development of our staff at Highfield Littleport very seriously.  When a course has been completed all staff are to complete a CPD evaluation form which is contained in the link below:

CPD Feedback Form

We want to share good practise, measure the impact of training in the classroom and make sure the training is appropriate for the individual.  Your feedback makes a difference!