We aim to provide a full and balanced curriculum both in school and during periods of remote learning.  Students may also have specific pieces of learning linked to their EHCP targets.

Our staff make regular safe and well calls to check on progress of learning as well as monitoring engagement in social video calls and work uploaded to the Evidence for Learning app.  Marking and assessment takes place in a similar way to how it would at school.

If your child is learning remotely your class teacher would have shared a timetable via Class Dojo in order to maintain good routines.

All of our remote learning lessons are uploaded to our Evidence for Learning portal.  Download the Family Evidence for Learning app from Android or Apple to get started.  To get login details please provide the office with an up to date email address and we can send you a link to get logged on.  Remote learning can be found on the activities tab as well as all of the learning your child does at school.  You can also add evidence of learning yourselves.  We value this and love to see what our students get up to at home.

The learning can be accessed via the activities tab within the app.

We want to support engagement in remote learning as much as possible.  If you are unable to access technology please contact us and we will see how we can support you.  We have an allocation of Department for Education issued laptops available for issue if you are struggling to get access to the portal.  If you are experiencing any difficulties please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Please see our remote learning policy and strategy by clicking this link.