All of our students will have some medical needs whilst they're with us, ranging from day to day tummy bugs to more serious or chronic conditions. This page details how we manage those needs and what parents and carers can do to help us help our pupils stay well.



Please see below the form you will need to complete if your child needs medication during the school day. Please note that:

  • Medication coming into school must be unopened
  • Some medication will be sent home during holidays (controlled medication is always sent home during holidays)
  • We can accept both prescribed and over the counter medications which are listed within our policy
  • A new form must be completed if the same medication is to be used for a different purpose
  • On the first day of medication being needed, we are happy to take clear verbal or written instructions from parents and carers. After the first day, the form below will need to be completed otherwise medication cannot be administered
  • If we have given your child medication in the afternoon, we will let you know by Class Dojo to avoid you repeating the dose. Please make sure you keep notifications on!
  • Two members of staff will always be present whenever medications are being administered. They will sign to say this has taken place safely.

Please see the documents below which have our policy as well as helpful forms that you may need:

Medical Forms and Policies

Updated: 26/03/2024 245 KB
Form for administration of controlled prescription medication (eg ADHD)
Updated: 26/03/2024 175 KB
Form for prescribed and over the counter medication.
Updated: 26/03/2024 558 KB

Sickness and Diarrhoea

If your child shows symptoms of sickness and/or diarrhoea, they must not attend school for 48 hours since the last symptoms were seen. Please adhere to this very strictly to help us reduce the likelihood of a large outbreak.

Please see this poster from Public Health England which give instructions regarding other infectious conditions.

Public Health England Infection Control in Schools

First Aid

We have a team of trained First Aiders across the school. First Aid can only be given by one of this team. If your child has received First Aid, a form will be sent home. In the case of a bump or bang to the head, a First Aider will call you at home or work. Please ensure we have up to date contact details for you.

Phoning Home

If we are ever unsure about your child's health, we will call you to let you know. We may recommend that you contact a medical professional to seek their advice.