Highfield Littleport Academy is an area community special school catering for children from a wide area in Cambridgeshire. Places are offered to both girls and boys within a 2-19 year age range. All of our pupils have Education, Health and Care Plans, which will identify a significant and complex learning difficulties. Some may have associated behavioural problems, physical disabilities, sensory, communication or medical needs.  The school is situated on the edge of the Fenland town Littleport in Cambridgeshire. It occupies large and attractively landscaped grounds and has a wealth of resources such as a hydrotherapy pool and well equipped sports hall. We enjoy very good relationships with local mainstream schools and are part of the Cambridgeshire Active Learning Trust hub. We all benefit from each others expertise, experiences, facilities and resources, working together to support inclusive practices.

The school is organised into key pathways of learning which students follow.  There can sometimes be mixed age groups within these pathways as students are grouped according to degree of difficulty and category of need.  Age is also broadly taken into consideration to ensure students are grouped with appropriate peers.  More information on these pathways can be found on the pupils area of the website.  Classes are small, staffed by a teacher and sufficient teaching assistants to ensure good staff to pupil ratio.

We aim that our learners are confident, happy and achieve to the best of their ability. Pupils enjoy learning and apply themselves exceptionally well.  We are committed to improve the work of the school and welcome the support provided by parents, staff, governors and partners across a range of services.  Click the link below to view a copy of our prospectus.

Highfield Littleport Prospectus and Information


Ethos and Values

At Highfield School we strive to provide a supportive, safe, nurturing and rich environment that ensures the best possible progress for all our learners. Our strap line 'Preparing for the Next Step' aims to equip our learners with the skills and attributes necessary for them to be the best they can be.

We celebrate the small and large steps of progress our learners make. We continually review and develop our provision to meet the changing needs of our school population. Communication, social and emotional needs are central to providing an outstanding level of provision. We aim to provide a fun, child centered and flexible curriculum that teaches skills for life and sets learners up well for their future.

In order to prepare our students for their next step we aim to instill some key values which will equip them for life - 


Click on each of the links above and you can see our students demonstrating all of our learning values in action. Take a look at our PSHE and Learning values page to find more information which underpins everything that we do.

Please click the link below where you can find information on the ‘Highfield School Local Offer’ for information on physical provision at Highfield Littleport.  You will also find our SEND Information report.

Highfield School Offer

Highfield SEND Information Report