We aim to give our learners as much experience of the workplace and different employers as possible to prepare them for adult life.  Our students have visited farms, social firms, cafe's and sports centres to gain this experience.  We have also had visitors in from health, the uniformed services and even Virgin Atlantic!


We would welcome employers from a broad range of career backgrounds to come into our school and lead an employer encounter session. This could involve;

  • Giving a presentation about your job role and career path
  • Hosting a question and answer session about your job role
  • Setting pupils a task/challenge linked to your career sector
  • Running a practical workshop based on skills needed for your job role


Workplace Visits

A workplace visit provides valuable experience for our pupils and gives them the opportunity to see different job roles in action. This could involve;

  • Guided tour around your workplace
  • Question and answer session about your job role
  • Discussion about the work tasks and job roles within your workplace


Supporting Our School

If you feel that you are able to support our school by providing an employer encounter, workplace visit or you have any other ideas on how you could support our careers education programme, please contact Lyn Houghton, the school’s careers leader via email lyn.houghton@highfieldlittleport.org  When planning an activity, we will provide you with further information about relevant needs and interests and we will support you to ensure the activity is appropriate, engaging and meaningful for our learners.