Blue pathway end points and transition from Highfield

Outcomes for learners in the blue pathway varies according to the individual progress they make in their time at Highfield through the curriculum frameworks and against their EHCP outcomes. All students are entitled to leave with qualifications or recognition drawn from their studies within the 6 areas of learning in the blue pathway. In the blue pathway we use ASDAN Personal Progress as recognition of achievement and qualifications.

Learners in the blue pathway are likely to stay on Highfield roll until the end of the year they are 19, unless there is an alternative placement that would suit the individual's needs better than continuation at Highfield. Accessing LINC 19 - 25 is an option that can be explored if the individual's needs could be best met there. Discussions on moving on begin at the same time as learners in the yellow and green pathways, from at least the year 9 annual review. Our Careers strategy has more detail.

Learners can transition onto LINC 19 - 25 subject to Local Authority admissions processes if the individual's needs are best met there. Other options are to move to a mix of social care funded settings, direct payment support to access the community and Learning Disability Partnership input to meet health and care needs. If the learner transitions to a social care funded package or placement, the EHCP ceases. 


Green pathway end points and transition from Highfield

Outcomes for learners in the green pathway varies according to the individual progress they make in their time at Highfield through the curriculum frameworks and against their EHCP outcomes. However, all students are entitled to leave with qualifications in at least Maths, English, communication and one other curriculum area. In the green pathway we use ASDAN Life Skills Challenges as the qualifications base.  Students also have recognition of achievements through the AQA Unit Award Scheme.

Learners in the green pathway are likely to stay on Highfield roll until the end of the year they are 19, unless there is an alternative placement that would suit the individual's needs better than continuation at Highfield. Accessing LINC 19 - 25 is an option that can be explored if the individual's needs could be best met there. Discussions on moving on begin at the same time as learners in the yellow and blue pathways, from at least the year 9 annual review. Our Careers strategy on the school's website has more detail.

Learners will transition onto a variety of placements according to the progress they have made and what provision there is available to move on to. Examples of where learners may move onto can be specialist college courses at their local college, accessing a social enterprise, or a combination of both. Learners may move onto social care funded placements, and their EHCP is ceased if that is appropriate to the individual.


Yellow pathway end points and transition from Highfield

Outcomes for learners on the yellow pathway varies according to the individual progress they make in their time at Highfield through the curriculum frameworks and against their EHCP outcomes. However, all students are entitled to leave with qualifications at an appropriate level. In the yellow pathway, we offer Functional Skills English and Maths at Level 1 and 2, as well as Entry Level 1, 2 and 3.  Students also students also study ASDAN Personal and Social development as a qualifications base.  There is also the option to accredit learning according to the AQA Unit Award scheme.

Students within Key Stage 4 have a core learning offer linked to ASDAN and AQA Unit Award scheme.  Students are also studying towards accredited AQA units which gives comprehensive acknowledgement of themes and knowledge in each assessed area. Students also study Personal and Social Development modules with ASDAN to develop their social and emotional skills to prepare them for life and work.  To gain more information of study content for the current Yellow pathway cohort please click the link below:

Learners in the yellow pathway are likely to stay on roll until the end of Year 11. Discussions on moving on begin at the same time as learners in the green and blue pathways, from at least the year 9 annual review, coupled with other guidance including a careers interview and moving on events. Our Careers strategy on the school's website has more detail.

Nearly all yellow pathway learners will transition to a local mainstream college to study within specialist college courses at an appropriate level, taking into account the level of study they accessed at Highfield. The programmes of study at college include Maths and English alongside a range of vocational options that they can in turn take into employment. A minority leave Highfield and gain employment without accessing college first.

Local Authority Preparation for Adulthood Parents Guide