Here at Highfield Littleport Academy we take pupil wellbeing very seriously. We have a branch of our School Council called the Mighty Minds group who meet to consider and implement actions to support emotional health and wellbeing.

Our aim at Highfield Littleport Academy for our students is to:

  • feel valued and listened to
  • feel safe in school and confident to talk to adults in school
  •  understand what mental health is and the importance of promoting and valuing positive mental health
  • develop a personal toolkit of coping strategies to help them in times of distress or upset
  • maintain positive mental health throughout different stages of their lives
  • develop protective factors which help to build resilience
  • communicate and express emotions
  • self-regulate their emotions
  • understand that all humans experience a wide range of emotions
  • know where and how to seek further support
  • identify early signs of mental wellbeing concerns

Information about the wellbeing and mental health of a pupil is shared with the class teacher and any other professionals supporting the pupil as well as the parent/carer. Information is shared in a timely manner so that next steps can quickly be identified.

The diagram below outlines how we support pupils with their mental health and wellbeing. Support is available at three tiers; core offer, targeted offer and specialist offer.

Outside of school there are lots of methods of support and guidance.  Take a look at the links below:


Take a look at the poster below with more information and areas of support.

Student Signposting