We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Our mental health is how we’re feeling inside, or how we are emotionally. Our mental health impacts how we think, feel, react and behave. We feel this is very important and want to ensure that staff wellbeing is promoted and safeguarded.



All adults that work with children have a need to engage in self-care. Good self-care is an effective prevention, guarding against severe or chronic distress. Staff are encouraged to consider their own self-care practices and how they maintain their own wellbeing. This can be discussed with line managers through appraisal meetings or at a drop in. Staff are also offered termly opportunities to attend a reflective group session led by our local Mental Health Support Team.

General Self-Care and Wellbeing Tips

  • Honestly assess your wellbeing regularly
  • Focus on prevention
  • Make time for your wellbeing
  • Pay attention to possible warning signs of poor mental health
  • Establish and maintain professional connections that offer an opportunity to discuss stressors at work
  • Develop realistic and reasonable expectations about work and your capabilities
  • Take steps to enhance your job satisfaction
  • Ask for help

Self-care is very personal and individual. Staff should take responsibility to develop a personal plan. Promoting positive wellbeing and self-care is an ongoing endeavour.

Take a look at the links below for sources of support should you need it.



As an employee of Active Learning Trust you can also access a range of health support and employee benefits. Vivup provides an Employee Assistance Program where you can get access to phone support, counselling, CBT workshops and lots of online resources.  This will be available towards the end of the academic year.  Currently we also access the Employee Assistance Program.

Take a look at the poster in the link below for more sources of support, staff are also willing to help. You can also approach any member of the Healthy Minds Group or the mental health leader.

Signposting for Staff