Royal Correspondence!
Last May the students in Robins Class wrote some letters to congratulate the Duke and Duchess on their marriage. Today we got a reply from the palace!
Ely Integrated Youth Choir
3 students from Highfield Littleport Academy joined the Ely Youth Choir at the weekend to sing and sign.
Highfield Littleport have made links with a Spanish school and we video called them the other day.
History of Littleport - Our Visit to the train station
A visit to Littleport Train station
Important Information for Parents
Please see the attached letter for important information with regards to a police warning.
19+ Provision Pilot at Highfield Littleport
Consultation to change age ranges and 19+ provision
If the school is closed on Thursday 1st March we will endeavour to update the website as early as possible. We will also update Twitter, our Facebook page and Class Dojo as well as local radio and the County Council website.